The best of Prog rock

Friday, February 27, 2015


Text 1
If you’re one of the 70% of cell-phone users who use text messaging, you know that C U L8R means “See you later.”
“Texting” is now the new way to talk (or “tlk”), especially for young people. But why is that?
IT’S A LOVE THING – There’s no doubt about it, text messages are for personal communication. Only 10% of messages are work related, and the peak hours for texting are between 10:30 and 11:00 at night!
Most users (64%) say texting is a good way to send romantic messages – it’s easier to say “I love you” in a text message than in a phone call. Maybe that explains why more people now use texting to send Valentine’s Day messages.
UPSIDES AND DOWNSIDES – Generally, texting is cheaper than making phone calls. It’s also more direct, since you can send or get information without having to ask and answer polite “How are you?” questions.
And it’s more discreet, too. No one can hear your “conversations,” and you can receive text messages almost anywhere – at work, in meetings, or in class. You can also use texting in noisy places like nightclubs, where using a cell phone is difficult.
A NEW LANGUAGE? – Because it’s quicker to “write” without apostrophes and vowels, texting has its own language. And it’s fun to use the symbols. There’s a best-selling dictionary (or “dxnre”) for texting called Wan2tlk?
Some people say that a texting encourages bad punctuation and spelling. On the other hand, more teens are writing than ever before. Now, that has to be a good thing.
(McCARTHY, M., McCARTEN, J. & SANDIFORD, H. Touchstone. Cambridge University Press. USA, 2005. Adaptado)

1. What do people use texting for?
a) Unfortunately, people use it just to have fun with friends.
b) They use texting to send messages to their bosses.
c) People text to solve problems at work regularly.
d) Most people use texting to cheat during a test at school.
e) Most people use it for personal communication. A few people use it for work.

2. Why does texting need its own language? Because
a) people need to type fast.                 d) everybody gets crazy with texting.
b) nobody wants to be understood.      e) young people like to be different.
c) it’s funnier to write like that.

3. Why do some people think text messaging is bad? Because
a) using texting is really very boring.
b) it is very difficult to get used to it.
c) it encourages bad punctuation and spelling.
d) it is faster than regular writing.
e) texting is funny but not useful.

4. According to the text,
I. it’s easier to say “I love you” in a text message than in a phone call.
II. texting is cheaper than making phone calls.
III. texting can be used in noisy places.
IV. texting doesn’t encourage teens to write more.
V. everybody can hear your texting conversation.
It is CORRECT just
a) II, III, and IV.                               d) I, II, and IV.
b) III, IV, and V.                                e) I, II, and III.
c) I, III, and V.

5. What does “texting” mean, finally?
a) It’s a way of speaking teenagers use just not be understood by their parents.
b) It’s a book or other piece of writing, especially one connected with science or learning.
c) It’s a specific way of writing used by people who like to navigate the Internet.
d) It’s a special way of communicating by writing normally using the cell phone without the 
need of speaking.
e) It’s a special way of communicating which is a little more expensive than the usual one.

Text 2
 (Disponível em: over/*wpcontent*gallery*goldie*goldie20.gif/)
6. According to text 2,
I. the woman’s husband is dead.
II. the woman’s husband is alive.
III. they communicate through the Internet.
IV. the man beside the woman is her husband.
V. her husband’s name is Walter Z. Heaven.
It is CORRECT just
a) I, II, and III.                                             d) III, IV, and V.
b) I and III.                                                   e) IV and V.
c) II, III, and IV.

Text 3
(Disponível em://

7. According to text 3,
I. the family is happy because they have iPhone, iPod and iPad.
II. the man is not happy because he had to pay for the gadgets.
III. the man is not happy because the gadgets are not working.
IV. the man’s relatives paid for the gadgets using their own money.
It is CORRECT just
a) III and IV.                                      d) I and III.
b) I and II.                                         e) II and IV.
c) II and III.

Text 4 
Sleeping on stilts in the Amazon
As 75-year-old villager Antônio Gomes told us stories of growing up in Boca do Mamirauá, a tiny settlement in the northern Amazon rainforest, I tried to ignore the tiny blue flies biting through my trousers.
Despite my interest in hearing how locals survive in this remote part of the Brazilian rainforest, now a part of the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, I was grateful to escape when he finished, finding refuge in one of the tall wooden houses.
(When the Amazon floods, all of its residents – both animals and people – have to adopt an amphibious lifestyle. Kim Schandorff/Getty)

The houses hover some 3m above the ground. They are not unusual: almost everything in the Mamirauá reserve is on stilts, even the chicken coop. It has to be. Although much of Brazil is currently suffering one of the worst droughts in decades, this part of the Amazon is almost completely flooded for the six-month wet season. By April, the end of the rainy season, the river rises up to 10m high and overflows its banks. As a result, all living things in the forest, including locals, must adopt an amphibious lifestyle. Even the jaguars have learned to adapt by living in tree branches when the floods arrive.
Only 1,000 tourists per year are allowed to visit Mamirauá, which, at 57,000sqkm, is the largest wildlife reserve in the country. Created in 1984 to save the once-endangered uakari monkey, the reserve is the most carefully managed and protected part of the Amazon – and is also home to what many consider Brazil’s most successful sustainable tourist resort, the Uakari Floating Lodge. “If [the reserve] had not been created,” guide Francisco Nogeuira said, “the rivers and lakes would be empty of fish, and who knows how many trees would remain today?”
(Disponível em:

8. Why does everybody in Mamirauá live on stilts? Because
a) the place is always very drought.
b) the place is always completely flooded.
c) they are used and like to live on stilts.
d) the stilts are very comfortable.
e) they are much more cheaper for living in.

9. According to the text, the Mamirauá reserve
I. is in the Amazon rainforest.
II. has a six-month wet season.
III. makes all living things have an amphibious lifestyle.
IV. makes even the jaguars change their lifestyle because of flood.
V. was created to save the once-endangered uakari monkey.
a) I, II, III, IV, and V.                                   d) just I and II.
b) just I, II, and III.                                      e) just II, III, and IV.
c) just III, IV, and V.

10. In the last paragraph, it is possible to find sentences in
a) comparative of equality.                              d) superlative of inferiority.   
b) comparative of superiority.                         e) comparative of inferiority.
c) superlative of superiority.

Text 5
Vive la reine!        
The capital of the French republic is better known for beheading monarchs than celebrating them. But Paris went wild for Britain’s queen during her state visit last week. Crowds on the Champs-Elysées cheered as her royal convoy drove past. Socialist ministers lined up enthusiastically to greet her at her birthday garden party.
The queen’s arrival at the international ceremony on “Sword” beach to remember the 70th anniversary of D-Day drew louder applause than that of America’s president. Anne Hidalgo, the Socialist mayor of Paris, even had a flower market named after her on the capital’s Ile de la Cité, which happens to be home to the Conciergerie prison where Marie-Antoinette was held before being carted to the guillotine in 1793. “The queen of the French” ran a headline in Le Monde, a left-wing daily.
Why are the French so smitten by the world’s longest-reigning queen?
Partly because she embodies the post-war era in which their modern republic was born: she was crowned in 1953 and has known all seven presidents of the Fifth Republic. Her affection for France, and grasp of the language, also help. […] After a state dinner at the Elyzée Palace, with François Hollande, the president, she spoke of her “grande affection” for the French people. This was the queen’s fifth state visit to the republic.
Another reason is that the French, shorn of their own monarchy, have long become avid voyeurs of everybody else’s. Point de vue and Paris-Match, two magazines that splash photos of royals across their pages, were launched back in the 1940s. The French turned the Monaco royals into celebrities before reality television invented instant fame for everybody else. In 2011 the French cleared the airwaves to cover Prince William’s wedding on live public television; 9m viewers tuned in to watch.
Perhaps the hidden reason for French royal fervour, though, is a secret envy mixed with regret. Mr Hollande, stuck with a 16% popularity rating, is said to have noted wryly how refreshing it was to hear cheering crowds when he accompanied the queen. Asked in a poll what they thought today of the execution of Louis XVI in 1793, more of the French (29%) judged it “unfair” than “understandable” (23%). The French “have a royalty complex”, wrote Hervé Gattegno in Le Point, and have built their republic on monarchical traditions as if to compensate. The president, who has more sweeping powers than almost any other modern democratic leader, is fussed over by much pomp and splendour—and the seat of the presidency is a palace.
(In: The French and monarchy. The Economist, vol. 411, number 8891. June, 14th 2014. Adaptado)

11. Considering both theme and gender of the text, more information could be added to the title, as a subheading.
Then choose the CORRECT subtitle among the alternatives below.
a) The Fifth Republic is in France.
b) The queen’s great affection for France.
c) Who cares about Britain’s queen?
d) Britain’s queen meets the French president.
e) Why the French love Britain’s queen.

12. Com base no texto, analise os seguintes itens:
I. Os franceses têm uma admiração especial pela rainha da Grã-Bretanha, o que se explica de várias formas, inclusive porque a rainha demonstra compreensão da língua e afeição pelo povo da França.
II. A rainha britânica tem sido frequentemente convidada para ir à França em visita de Estado, porém o povo francês não aprova esse tipo de ação diplomática, por causa dos altíssimos gastos com a comitiva real.
III. Quando chegou à cerimônia na praia “Sword”, onde se comemorava o 70º aniversário do Dia D, a rainha da Grã-Bretanha arrancou mais aplausos que o próprio presidente dos EUA.
IV. Anne Hidalgo, importante autoridade de Paris, convidou a rainha britânica para conhecer o famoso Mercado das Flores, na Ile de la Cité, onde uma rainha francesa foi mantida presa e, posteriormente, decapitada.
V. Um conhecido jornal francês de tendência esquerdista estampou a manchete “A rainha dos franceses”, referindo-se à rainha da Grã-Bretanha, em sua última visita oficial à França.
Estão CORRETOS, apenas,
a) I, II e III.                                      d) I, III e V.
b) II, III e V.                                     e) III e V.
c) I e V.

13. No trecho Another reason is that the French, shorn of their own monarchy, have long become avid voyeurs of everybody else’s.”, a palavra que completa o sentido do caso possessivo em destaque é
a) reason.                                            d) French.
b) monarchy.                                       e) Britain.
c) voyeurs.

14. Observe this passage:
“The president, who has more sweeping powers than almost any other modern democratic leader, is fussed over by much pomp and splendour — and the seat of the presidency is a palace.”
Na oração em destaque, percebe-se que o autor do texto
a) está fascinado pelo carisma da rainha da Grã-Bretanha, há bastante tempo no trono.
b) tenta “retocar” a imagem do presidente da França, enfatizando seu poder.
c) compreende as razões da avidez do presidente francês por tanta pompa e esplendor.
d) enfatiza o status do presidente da França, ao mesmo tempo em que faz uma ironia.
e) não quer se comprometer quanto à postura do presidente da França em relação à visita da rainha britânica.

15. The sentences: “Marie-Antoinette was held …”; Point de vue and Paris-Match […] were launched back in the 1940s; “she was crowned in 1953…”, and “The president […] is fussed over by much pomp and splendour” are all in the
a) Imperative Form.                             d) Present Perfect.
b) Conditional Tense.                           e) Past Perfect Continuous.
c) Passive Voice.

16. Na frase “The capital of the French republic is better known for beheading monarchs than celebrating them.”, a palavra em destaque significa
a) decapitar.                                       d) depor.
b) debochar.                                       e) destronar.
c) deportar.

Text 6
Women in the rodeo
Disponível em:
In the huge, open lands of the American west, herding cattle is one way to make a living. The image of the cowboy on his horse is a familiar one, ……………… in reality, women also participate in ranch work. This reality can be seen in the rodeo, …………. cowboys and cowgirls compete in roping young steer, and riding adult bulls. Throwing a rope around a steer is something ranchers must do ………………….. give the young animals medicine or to mark the steers as their property. ……………….., riding on the back of a large and angry bull is purely for sport – a brutal and dangerous sport. ……………….., the danger doesn’t stop the men and women who love the rodeo.”
JOHANNSEN, Kristin & CHASE, Rebecca. World English: real people, real places, real language. Boston: Heinle Cengage, 2010. Adaptado.

17. Fill in the gaps with the CORRECT words or expressions to give the text cohesion and coherence.
a) where / in order to / because / But / If
b) but / where / in order to / On the other hand / However
c) moreover / on the other hand / where / Which / But
d) in order to / but / on the other hand / Where / However
e) If / where / therefore / Because / On the other hand

18. O bserve os elementos linguísticos em destaque:
“[…] herding cattle is one way to make a living.”; “[…] compete in roping young steer, and riding adult bulls. Throwing a rope around a steer is something […]”.
Em todos esses exemplos, é CORRETO afirmar que a forma -ing corresponde ao uso de
a) adjetivo.                                          d) infinitivo.
c) gerúndio.                                         e) preposição e substantivo.
b) substantivo e conjunção.

Text 7
 19. Na última fala do personagem Calvin (3º balão), percebe-se uma intertextualidade com
a) um conhecido provérbio de conotação religiosa.
b) um verso de um poema consagrado na literatura mundial.
c) uma conhecida frase de um político contemporâneo.
d) uma mensagem (ou moral) de uma fábula clássica.
e) um grito de guerra de um estrategista histórico.

20. Os phrasal verbs show up’ (1º balão) e ‘find out’ (2º balão) são importantes para se compreenderem os “objetivos” de Calvin na situação acima. Eles significam, respectivamente,
a) apresentar-se – enganar.                  d) aparecer / vir – pagar.
b) aparecer / vir – encontrar.              e) cumprir – vingar-se.
c) desistir – pegar.

By Milton França
Feel free to get in touch:   email:
facebook:           whatsapp: +5598991992887

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Text 01 - Ebola crisis
West Africa is experiencing the biggest outbreak of the Ebola virus ever known, causing thousands of deaths, devastating fragile healthcare systems and damaging the economies of countries, some of which are still recovering from civil war. Infections are thought to be doubling every few weeks. The World Health Organization (WHO) says there were 13,700 officially registered cases by the end of October, almost all in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea, with about 5,000 deaths, but many go unrecorded and the true figure is thought to be two to three times higher. The US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) says that if nothing changes there could be 1.4 million cases by late January.
The WHO has been criticized for not reacting fast enough to the outbreak: it took three months to diagnose the first cases, and five months more before a public health emergency was declared. The exceptional spread of the disease was probably down to a number of factors including dysfunctional health systems, high population mobility across state borders, densely populated capitals and lack of trust in authorities after years of armed conflict meaning health advice is not heeded. Fear is also a factor. People are afraid to go to hospital because they think it may be the source of infection.
Healthcare in the region was fragile before Ebola. Now there is disintegration as staff become ill or stay away for fear of the disease. Infection control and hygiene are major issues. Soap and water are unavailable in some areas. Alcohol hand rubs are needed on a large scale. Isolation facilities are vital to contain Ebola, as are labs for testing because rapid diagnosis is very important. Both are in very short supply. In some places, isolation is nothing more than an area behind a curtain. People with other diseases and women in childbirth are at risk because hospitals are no longer functioning properly.
The Guardian, Oct. 31, 2014. Access on: Nov. 25, 2014. [Adapted]

1. According to the text, it is correct to affirm that
a) the Ebola crisis is global.
b) the Ebola crisis has killed 13,700 people.
c) Ebola is a virus transmitted to humans from animals.
d) Ebola has reached all Africa, Spain and the USA.
e) the Ebola crisis has reached some African countries.

2. According to the text, it is correct to affirm that
a) bad healthcare conditions in some African countries are not related to the Ebola crisis.
b) hygiene is not a problem because they use alcohol for large scale disinfection.
c) authorities have been quick to diagnose cases and set emergency procedures.
d) the Ebola crisis in some African countries is related to wars and economy.
e) civil war and other armed conflicts have made people afraid to go to hospital.

3. According to the text, the Ebola crisis is caused
a) due to constant civil wars which made the countries poor and the population vulnerable.
b) because people do not trust the governments and healthcare systems are bad.
c) by poor hygiene conditions and high population mobility to the capitals.
d) because the governments took 5 months to diagnose the cases and inform the population.
e) by a virus that came from Spain and infected poor areas in Africa.

4. About the first sentence of the text, it is correct to affirm that
a) the word “Ebola” is the subject of the sentence.
b) all clauses are in the present continuous tense.
c) the adjective “biggest” is in the comparative form.
d) the word “ever” is an auxiliary verb.
e) the word “still” indicates consequence.

                                   Text 02
“The media seems to treat epidemics differently, depending on where they occur, and to whom. I think unfortunately, in the Western media, there are first-world diseases and third-world diseases, and the attention devoted to the latter depends on the threat they pose to us, not on a universal measure of human suffering. A death in Africa or Asia should be as tragic as a death in Europe or the USA, and it doesn’t seem to be. If an epidemic breaks out in the USA or Europe, suddenly the reporting is more engaged. I would like to hear from the people who are affected everywhere. I would like to feel that everyone’s voices are more equally heard, even if they speak a language that is not mine.”
CARRILHO, André. The Huffington Post. Available on:
. Access on: Nov. 22, 2014. [Adapted]

5. According to André Carrilho’s opinion,
a) European and American media has treated the Ebola crisis with humor.
b) the Ebola crisis has not caught Western media’s attention yet.
c) media coverage on epidemics depends on where it happens and who it affects.
d) Western media only cares about what happens in Europe and Asia.
e) first-world and third-world diseases are equally treated by American media.

6. In Carrilho’s point of view,
a) there are important differences between first-world diseases and third-world diseases.
b) if epidemics like Ebola occur in the USA, the media must treat it differently.
c) people from Africa and Asia do not have access to good media coverage of the Ebola crisis.
d) media has only paid attention to Ebola because white Western people began to be affected.
e) death cases in Africa and Asia are less important than in America and Europe.

 Analyze the extract from the text:
“I would like to hear from the people who are affected everywhere. I would like to feel that everyone’s voices are more equally heard, even if they speak a language that is not mine.”
7. About the extract, it is correct to affirm that
a) the verbs “affected” and “heard” are regular verbs.
b) the expression “would like” indicates simple future.
c) the adverb “even” expresses opposition.
d) the possessive pronoun “mine” indicates third person.
e) the first and second clauses are in the passive voice.

                   Text 03
OHMAN, Jack. The Sacramento Bee. Access on: 20 Nov. 2014.
8. About the relation between the three texts, it is correct to affirm that
a) the points of view presented in texts 02 and 03 contradict text 01.
b) texts 01 and 03 are about health problems caused by Ebola on a global scale.
c) they all present different perspectives on the same subject.
d) the non-verbal elements of texts 02 and 03 help understand text 01.
e) texts 01 and 02 are about the economical problems caused by Ebola.

By Milton Franca
Feel free to get in touch - email:   
facebook:            whatsapp: +5598991992887